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Upload PDF Online

Easily Upload and Share PDF Files Online

Upload your PDF and host directly on the web with our simple drag-and-drop tool. Our reliable PDF Hosting service ensures that your document is at your disposal and shareable in seconds. Experience the convenience of our PDF uploader and elevate the way you share and view PDFs online.

Drag and drop the ZIP archive with PDF files here
  • PDF uploader

    Drag and drop or choose any document on your PC or Mac to quickly and easily upload and host your file with our PDF uploader. If you wish to modify the uploaded PDF, simply overwrite the previous one and you will see your new file instantly.

  • File manager

    Maximize your PDF management with Static.app's PDF manager. Upload, host online, edit, update, share, and duplicate PDF files effortlessly in one place. Your all-in-one solution for efficient PDF hosting and uploading.

  • Quick PDF viewer

    Utilize the Static.app PDF viewer online without needing to download an extra viewer for online reading of PDFs. Fast, easy to use, and perfect for hosting PDFs.

How to Upload PDF Online

  • Simply drag and drop or choose PDF files from your computer.

  • Choose a subdomain or enter your own domain.

  • Your PDF is live and ready for sharing!

See it with your own eyes!
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Not just PDF hosting

  • SSL certificate included

    Forget about adding an SSL certificate to your PDF document URL. We offer a free SSL certificate.

  • Online editor

    No more changing between tabs. You can make modifications right in your account.

  • Media storage

    Static.app is an excellent online repository for all of your resources (PDF, images, videos, docs, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PDF hosting?

PDF hosting entails uploading a PDF file to the internet. This means that the data is kept on a server in addition to your machine. Because it is stored on a server, anyone with a link to the hosted PDF can see the file. This enables you to quickly and easily share documents with as many individuals as you choose. Instead than emailing PDFs individually, you may upload it once to Static.app and share the URL with anyone who needs to view it.

How do you link to a PDF file?

It is simple to connect to a PDF file. Drag and drop the PDF, click "Launch," and a link will be generated immediately. Static.app will upload your PDF online and display it in a PDF viewer that is cross-browser compatible. Additionally, you can choose your own name for the link you wish to share.

Can PDFs be hosted on my domain?

Yes, you may host and share PDFs on your website and domain. You may post and distribute your PDF file on a subdomain. This has no effect on the primary webpage. The benefit is preserving your brand while distributing PDF files online. Additionally, visitors are more likely to trust and open PDFs from your domain. Configuring and connecting your website to Static.app is a simple two-step process.

Where do PDF documents reside?

We use an industry-standard platform and secure all data transmissions with SSL from end-to-end. This indicates that your data is stored in a secure area that is only accessible to users who have the connection.

Is compatibility with all devices guaranteed?

Yes. After uploading a PDF, it can be viewed on any device. Your file is presented via a PDF viewer that is compatible with multiple browsers and mobile devices. This means that it is viewable on any device (mobile, laptop, or tablet) and web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.).

What are the steps to upload a PDF document?

First, ensure you are logged in the Static.app account. Navigate to the dashboard and check the "Add Site" button. After clicking the button, you will find options to choose files from your computer. Choose the PDF which you want. Once the file selected, there should be a button "upload". These are the two basic steps on how to upload the PDF. Click this to start the upload process. The platform will notify you that your PDF is now available online on your account.

Is there an option to host a PDF online for free?

Yes, Static.app provides a platform to host PDF files online. Once you've uploaded or imported your PDF, the platform stores it on its servers. You can access and share it from anywhere by using a unique URL to your PDF.

Can I share my uploaded PDF documents with others?

After uploading your document, Static.app offers several sharing options. You can directly share the unique URL of your PDF with others. Additionally, there might be integrated sharing tools within the platform that allow you to email the document or post it on social media.

How can I ensure the security of my PDF documents?

Security is a critical aspect of online document storage. Static.app likely implements encryption for data at rest and in transit, meaning your files are encrypted while stored on the servers and when being uploaded or downloaded.

How do I manage or organize my PDF files?

Effective file management is essential for quick access and organization. Static.app might offer features like folders or labels to categorize your documents. You can create folders for different projects and move your PDFs into these folders.

Upload PDF Online

Upload .zip with PDF files
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